李俊 1,2,*范斌斌 1,2曾庆杰 1张家瑞 1,2[ ... ]王振 3
1 西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西西安70054
2 陕西省煤火灾害防治重点实验室,陕西西安710054
3 中石化安全工程研究院有限公司 化学品安全全国重点实验室,山东青岛266000
H2S,CH4多组分气体浓度测量技术的研究对石油石化行业的安全生产有重要意义。基于中红外TDLAS技术, 选用中心波长为8.309 μm的量子级联激光器(Quantum Cascade Laser,QCL)为检测光源,搭建30 m长距离的遥测实验系统,使用WMS波长调制法对H2S,CH4气体的吸收谱线进行连续调谐与扫描,并对高频正弦载波进行了最优深化调制,实现了H2S,CH4多组分气体的同时测量。实验将H2S与5%体积分数的高浓度水汽进行混合测量,分析并验证了该波段的水汽吸收难以对测量造成交叉干扰的优良特性,并利用Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波器提高了检测信号的信噪比。通过遥测实验,分析了15 m,30 m不同遥测距离对检测信号的影响,并利用增加积分时间与计算信噪比的方法,得到了128.75×10-9 m的遥测最低限。最后,Allan方差的计算结果表明,当积分时间为183 s,142 s时,系统对H2S,CH4气体的最低检测下限分别为0.593×10-9和1.160×10-9。本文的研究结果为中红外波段H2S,CH4多组分气体的高灵敏度、同时测量提供了一种有效途径,为多组分气体的遥测应用提供了参考。
中红外 硫化氢 量子级联激光器 多组分气体遥测 mid-infrared hydrogen sulfide Quantum Cascade Laser(QCL) multi-component gas sensing 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(4): 467
Author Affiliations
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) enables three-dimensional (3D) investigation of nanoscale structures in biological samples, offering unique insights into their organization. However, traditional 3D super-resolution microscopy using high numerical aperture (NA) objectives is limited by imaging depth of field (DOF), restricting their practical application to relatively thin biological samples. Here, we developed a unified solution for thick sample super-resolution imaging using a deformable mirror (DM) which served for fast remote focusing, optimized point spread function (PSF) engineering, and accurate aberration correction. By effectively correcting the system aberrations introduced during remote focusing and sample aberrations at different imaging depths, we achieved high-accuracy, large DOF imaging (8 μm) of the whole-cell organelles [i.e., nuclear pore complex (NPC), microtubules, and mitochondria] with a nearly uniform resolution of approximately 35 nm across the entire cellular volume.
Photonics Research
2024, 12(4): 821
中国工程物理研究院 核物理与化学研究所,四川 绵阳 621900
结合理论求解、仿真分析与实验验证,确定了影响脉冲变压器型触发器输出前沿的主要因素,并研制了一台能可靠触发真空沿面闪络开关导通的快前沿固态触发器。研究结果表明:影响触发器输出脉冲前沿的关键因素为脉冲变压器漏感、匝数比和半导体开关开通速度;不同绕制方式的脉冲变压器漏感差异很大,最小漏感绕法的变压器漏感值低1个数量级;选用开通速度优于15 ns的碳化硅金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(SiC MOSFET)、绕制低漏感(小于0.5 μH)的脉冲变压器,实现了前沿为20.4 ns(10%~90%)、幅值为16.5 kV的快前沿输出;控制SiC MOSFET的驱动脉宽在35~55 ns变化可以控制触发电流峰值在35~55 A范围内变化。
固态触发源 脉冲变压器 快前沿输出 真空沿面闪络开关 solid-state trigger pulse generator pulse transformer fast-rise-time output vacuum surface flashover switch 
2024, 36(2): 025004
1 Department of Physics, College of physics and Electronic Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, Heilongjiang , China
2 Department of Physics, College of Electrical Engineering, Suihua University, Suihua 152000, Heilongjiang , China
We present a theoretical study of the one-dimensional modulational instability of a broad optical beam propagating in a biased photorefractive crystal with both linear and quadratic electro-optic effects (Kerr effect) under steady-state conditions. One-dimensional modulational instability growth rates are obtained by treating the space-charge field equation globally and locally. Both theoretical reasoning and numerical simulation show that both the global and local modulational instability gains are governed simultaneously by the strength and the polarity of external bias field and by the ratio of the intensity of the broad beam to that of the dark irradiance. Under a strong bias field, the results obtained using these two methods are in good agreement in the low spatial frequency regime. Moreover, the instability growth rate increases with the bias field, and the maximum instability growth occurs when ratio of light intensity to dark irradiance is 0.88.
nonlinear optics photorefractive effects spatial soliton modulational instability 
2024, 61(5): 0519001
1 上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海 200444
2 新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室,上海 200072
深度分割复用 纯相位全息图 Gerchberg-Saxton算法 时分复用 
2024, 44(3): 0309001
Ling-Dong Kong 1,2,*†Tian-Zhu Zhang 1,2Xiao-Yu Liu 1,2Hao Li 1,2[ ... ]Li-Xing You 1,2,3,*
Author Affiliations
1 Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, National Key Laboratory of Materials for Integrated Circuits, Shanghai, China
2 CAS Center for Excellence in Superconducting Electronics, Shanghai, China
3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, Beijing, China
Efficient and precise photon-number-resolving detectors are essential for optical quantum information science. Despite this, very few detectors have been able to distinguish photon numbers with both high fidelity and a large dynamic range, all while maintaining high speed and high timing precision. Superconducting nanostrip-based detectors excel at counting single photons efficiently and rapidly, but face challenges in balancing dynamic range and fidelity. Here, we have pioneered the demonstration of 10 true photon-number resolution using a superconducting microstrip detector, with readout fidelity reaching an impressive 98% and 90% for 4-photon and 6-photon events, respectively. Furthermore, our proposed dual-channel timing setup drastically reduces the amount of data acquisition by 3 orders of magnitude, allowing for real-time photon-number readout. We then demonstrate the utility of our scheme by implementing a quantum random-number generator based on sampling the parity of a coherent state, which guarantees inherent unbiasedness, robustness against experimental imperfections and environmental noise, as well as invulnerability to eavesdropping. Our solution boasts high fidelity, a large dynamic range, and real-time characterization for photon-number resolution and simplicity with respect to device structure, fabrication, and readout, which may provide a promising avenue towards optical quantum information science.
superconducting microstrips single-photon detector photon-number resolution quantum random number 
Advanced Photonics
2024, 6(1): 016004
郑嘉乾 1,2卢霄 3,4鲁亚杰 3,5王迎军 1,2[ ... ]卢建熙 3,4,*
1 1.华南理工大学 国家人体组织功能重建工程技术研究中心, 广州 510006
2 2.华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 广州 510641
3 3.上海骨科生物材料技术创新中心, 上海 201114
4 4.上海贝奥路生物材料有限公司, 上海 201114
5 5.中国人民解放军空军军医大学 西京医院, 骨科, 西安 710032
为了获得满意的临床疗效, 优质医用生物陶瓷应该具备怎样的性能一直困扰着广大研究者。自20世纪90年代以来, 作者团队致力于研发医用生物陶瓷, 从基础科学研究到成果转化, 再到临床应用, 积累了丰富的研究和应用经验, 相继提出了“生物适配”和“精准生物适配”理论。本文围绕“医用生物陶瓷(磷酸钙类材料)的功能性生物适配”这一主题分享本团队的学术研究成果和临床应用经验,从结构适配、降解适配、力学适配、应用适配等四个角度, 结合骨科临床应用背景, 探讨如何实现其生物适配和设计制造的有效衔接,旨在为医用生物陶瓷的设计、制造、监管和应用提供依据和建议。
生物陶瓷 生物适配 材料微结构 生物降解 骨再生 血管化 专题评述 bioceramics bioadaptability material microstructure biodegradation osteo-regeneration vascularization perspective 
2023, 39(1): 1
中国电子科技集团公司 第三十四研究所,广西 桂林 541004
针对现有激光波长测量方法复杂、成本高、缺乏普遍适用性的问题,提出了一种基于3×3光纤耦合器的激光波长测量方法,理论推导了测量方法的基本原理,并搭建了激光波长实验测试验证系统。利用光纤延时线(FDL)改变干涉仪测量臂的传输时延,采用现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)采样得到该时延变化量对应的干涉信号条纹半周期数,根据半周期数与时延差之间的关系,计算出待测激光波长。实验测试结果表明:当用该测量方法测量出激光波长分别为1 310.84、1 550.78 nm时,使用光谱仪测得的激光波长分别为1 310.56、1 550.63 nm,两者结果几近一致。
条纹计数法 光纤耦合器 迈克尔逊光纤干涉仪 时延差 激光波长 fringe counting method, fiber coupler, michelson f 
2023, 47(5): 0084
1 湖南农业大学食品科学技术学院, 长沙 410125
2 湖南省农业科学院, 湖南省核农学与航天育种研究所, 长沙 410125
本试验利用电子束及γ射线两种射线对渐狭蜡蚧菌(Lecanicillium attenuatum)3166进行诱变处理, 研究适于渐狭蜡蚧菌诱变选育的吸收剂量以及诱变菌株生物学特性。结果表明: 电子束及γ射线诱变渐狭蜡蚧菌的最适剂量均为200 Gy, 渐狭蜡蚧菌的电子束辐射敏感性D10值为191 Gy、γ射线D10值为366 Gy; 以产孢速率为指标筛选获得突变菌株8株, 其中5株的菌丝生长及产孢速率较出发菌株显著提高, 均为电子束诱变所得, 产孢速率分别较出发菌株提高了30.45%、31.55%、23.66%、64.83%、68.77%; 诱变菌株的胞外几丁质酶比活在培养5 d时达到峰值, 诱变株Ⅱ111、Ⅱ164、Ⅱ181的几丁质酶比活分别较出发菌株显著提高29.29%、54.45%、19.18%, 其中Ⅱ164酶比活可达1 707.41 U/mg prot; 胞外蛋白酶比活在培养7 d时达到峰值, Ⅱ111、Ⅱ164、Ⅱ181的蛋白酶比活分别较出发菌株显著提高17.98%、13.17%、16.50%, 其中Ⅱ111酶比活达到30.71 U/mg prot, 且渐狭蜡蚧菌诱变株生长速率与胞外酶比活有强相关性。本研究为渐狭蜡蚧菌后续的害虫防治及开发利用提供了理论基础。
渐狭蜡蚧菌 辐射诱变 突变菌株 生物学特性 胞外酶比活 Lecanicillium attenuatum radiation mutagenesis mutagenized strain biological property extracellular enzyme specific activity 
2023, 32(5): 0431
王颖 1,2,*张微 1,2田庭燕 1,2黄存新 1,2[ ... ]石爽爽 1,2
1 北京中材人工晶体研究院有限公司,北京100018
2 中材人工晶体研究院有限公司,北京100018
AlON透明陶瓷因良好的透光性、热震稳定性、力学性能和良好的可加工性,在**领域和民用领域有广阔的应用前景。本文采用改进的碳热还原氮化/沸腾床法批量制备AlON粉体,单批次产能可达2 kg,在AlON粉体的XRD图谱中未观察到第二相,激光粒径分析显示平均粒径为1.54 μm,粒径分布均匀。使用该粉体进行冷等静压成型处理后,获得均匀性较好、致密度高的素坯。采用气压烧结法在1 850 ℃,氮气压力5 MPa下制备出光学透过率为82.3%,弯曲强度为310 MPa的AlON透明陶瓷片,对推进AlON透明陶瓷的应用具有一定的现实意义。
碳热还原氮化法 高纯粉体 透明陶瓷 透过率 气压烧结 AlON AlON carbothermal reduction nitridation method highpurity powder transparent ceramics transmittance gas pressure sintering 
2023, 52(12): 2215

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